Episcopal News and Current Events -- News About T.E.C. and ECUSA: Kendall Harmon: What's Really at Stake (3rd Video from AAC) Episcopal News and Current Events -- News About T.E.C. and ECUSA: Kendall Harmon: What's Really at Stake (3rd Video from AAC)
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Almighty God, you proclaim your truth in every age by many voices; Direct, in our time, we pray, those who speak where many listen and write what many read; that they may do their part in making the heart of this people wise, its mind sound, and its will righteous; to the honor of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
"For those who Influence Public Opinion,"
Book of Common Prayer, page 827

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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Kendall Harmon: What's Really at Stake (3rd Video from AAC)

This week, our video presentation from the American Anglican Council features as speaker Reverend Kendall Harmon, a Canon, and officer in the AAC and ACN. He will speak on the topic "Whats Really at Stake" (or The Iceberg). Harmon will explain how what we see and hear in Sunday services in the Episcopal Church are really just a front for other things under the water.

I have stated before that I do not personally agree with these more conservative Episcopalians on their dislike for the more liberal teachings of our church. I still do not agree with them; particularly, their dislike for the gay lifestyle, of which I am a member. Watch this latest video HERE

Videos for the next two weeks (put on display each Sunday) will be "Heresy Against Worship" (again by Dr. Harmon) then the week following the "Lambeth Quadrilateral" and the "Basic Non-Negotiable Tenets of Our Faith" with Reverend Leslie P. Fairfield.

You can see the earlier segments of this Anglican presentation by scrolling downward through our previous messages. I am still an Episcopalian, (ECUSA) and proud to be so. I hope you feel the same way!


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