Episcopal News and Current Events -- News About T.E.C. and ECUSA: Did You 'Choose This Day'? The last of the Anglican videos Episcopal News and Current Events -- News About T.E.C. and ECUSA: Did You 'Choose This Day'? The last of the Anglican videos
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Almighty God, you proclaim your truth in every age by many voices; Direct, in our time, we pray, those who speak where many listen and write what many read; that they may do their part in making the heart of this people wise, its mind sound, and its will righteous; to the honor of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
"For those who Influence Public Opinion,"
Book of Common Prayer, page 827

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Friday, February 23, 2007

Did You 'Choose This Day'? The last of the Anglican videos

Now, this weekend, here are the two final videos in the series by the more conservative Anglicans on the topic "Choose This Day":

The first brings the speaker of the day, Reverend Leslie Fairfield to discuss the religious/theological confusion of the fourth century, and Nicea.
See video here

And the second video deals with Anne Askew: Protestant Martyr". View it also

The Anglicans began this discussion with their original video 'Choose This Day' but they swapped that out for the video we watched here several weeks ago; the one where the narrator began by dramatically cutting verses of scripture out of the Bible he said we Episcopalians no longer wished to observe. The difficulty with that video, as I perceived it, was that one of the Anglican spokespersons in it was a (gasp!) female person (a rector in Washington State) and I am sure we all know what Saint Paul had to say about women in positions of leadership and instruction in the church ... a BIG No-No! But we have that 'original video' from the conservative Anglicans to wrap up this series. View that (original) first video

Starting next week, because of a grant from Trinity Church-Wall Street I will be presenting 'regular' church services each week from Trinity Church for your viewing. I regret I was unable to find a single rector in my own diocese who was able to cooperate with my request for tapes of their Sunday services. But, the very generous Episcopalians of Trinity-Wall Street came to the rescue. These are the good folks who also supply us with their weekly televised meditations, and with television and radio productions of their choir and organ. Stay tuned to our blog, much excitement and inspiration to follow each week!

But to answer my original question: Yes, I have chosen this day, to remain an Episcopalian, as we have always known the term. Episcopalian and proud of it! And I hope you chose to join me!



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